it was a still quiet southern summer evening. the intoxicating scents of pine & honeysuckle, fresh earth & dead leaves hung in the calm air. the last of the boats out on the bayou could be heard motoring down or away for the evening. jimmy walker & i were camped out in the woods across the street from lynn blalock's in bernam woods. lynn blalock was a member of our teenaged clique that included alicia, sally baugh, etc. bernam woods was a "high-class" housing development directly on the eastern shores of bayou texar. i'd been coming over here for years to visit & play w/the gonzalez family. they lived directly next door to the blalocks. it was pretty much nouveau riche. i knew the the layout of the subdivision & the surrounding woods very well. tom lecroy had assured us his parents would be out of town that weekend & that we'd have the run of their very nice home. walker & i had done the old standby w/the folks: we were staying at each others house. but lecroy had flaked out on us. words were exchanged. he wasn't there now.
alicia & someone else were supposed to sneak out of the slumber party. this was our four month anniversary. a lot had happened since our first kiss. tonight we had planned to mark our four months together by going to 3rd base. i'd found out cheap breast feels were pretty easy to pull off but getting into her pants proved to be just a little more difficult. jimmy was unaware of our plans. he'd agreed to give us some time alone. he'd go off w/whoever snuck out w/alicia. he was hoping for the beautiful debbie stanton. he got the very plain kay macdiarmid.
there were a few tense moments, mostly before walker & kay went off "walking." jimmy & i had spread two sleeping bags out on the pine needle strewn ground w/a couple of old blankets from the "mirador apts," the place walker's parents ran. this certainly wasn't what we'd planned. we were supposed to have a bedroom to ourselves over at lecroy's parents. we were making do. alicia & i didn't waste anytime after they'd disappeared through the woods. we were grappling w/one another & liplocked instantaneously. this really was hormones at their best. if you could have bottled what was coursing through BOTH of our young bodies during all this, you'd be a millionaire. it was intense.
i remember three months later, right before she & i started fucking full time, alicia & i were down at our favorite "meeting" spot, bayview park. the park itself was criss-crossed w/ various deep drainage culverts. they ran through the park & circled all around it. the drainage areas were perfect hiding places for our explorations of each other's bodies. some were covered by deep foliage; others were sunk so low into the ground you couldn't be seen from a normal point of view. one day, prior to our descending into the drains, we were doing preliminary work: deep searching french kissing & obviously familiar "outside the clothes" touching. we were perched directly above one of our favorite spots for serious play. that specific drainage area dropped at nearly a 45 degree angle from the street to the bayou & was covered by a dense florida foliage. the cement run-off ditch made a perfect bed for us.

suddenly, out of nowhere(or so it seemed)a woman was there w/us. "hello, excuse me. i live right over there. see, those are my children on the porch there." needless to say, this was a total jolt. she'd started this little intervention while my tongue was exploring alicia's mouth & my hands were running up & down her lithe body. we were both confused as we came up for air. "huh?," was my mumbled reply. "right over there, my children," she continued. "you two are so attractive, so cute. i assume your married, yes?," she asked. "uh...," was my confused response. "because," she continued w/o pause, "only married couples behave this way but never in public...never ever in public." "yeah," i chortled, "yeah, we're married." i thought she was some kind of crazy. anyone w/any sense could see we were kids, nowhere near the age for marrying. her face collapsed into a kind of evil awful mask, like an angry monkey's. "you're not married," she spit, "you little liar. i should call the police. you two are sickening, disgraceful! what would your parents think about this kind of public behavior in front of CHILDREN!" she nearly screeched that last part out.
for a moment, we were frozen. i felt alicia begin to tense up. i assumed she'd start weeping. i grabbed her hand & started walking away from this evil harridan. "that's right," she yelled after us, " you get AWAY from my children." i was happy to oblige her.
on this quiet summer night, on our four month anniversary, there was no indignant woman to interrupt our gropings. i had her shirt & bra off quickly. her young body was a marvel to me, so similar to my own barely adolescent body & yet so different. initially, it was her small breasts that marked that difference but i knew there were more telling differences yet to be seen, somewhere down past her flaring rounded hips & flat belly. i was thrilled beyond exhilaration as my hands wandered freely down there. i unbuttoned & unzipped her pants. my hands felt the exotic satin & lace of her underwear. i slipped my hands underneath those & felt, first, her soft nearly silken pubic hair & then...& then...
it was the wetness that first shocked me, not the intricate soft folds of her sex, but the drenching sopping wetness i encountered down there. it was a bit of a jolt. amidst the undeniable feelings of power & desire that were coursing through me, there was confusion. alicia was writhing & moaning & kissing w/an abandon far beyond our prior make-out sessions. her excitement was what was exciting me. but i wasn't sure if i'd torn something down there(her hymen, maybe? i was vaguely aware of that & what it meant. was the gusher-like wetness i felt in the darkness the blood that was supposed to accompany her losing her cherry?). i started to pull her pants & panties down further, to make for easier access but also for better viewing. she resisted this at first. "it'll make things easier," i said & her resistance wilted. once shed of her jeans, she spread her legs wide, a tacit invitation to continue.

i hadn't seen any dark stains or blotches but the wetness was still a palpable thing & seemed to have increased now that she was completely naked. i began to kiss her body, her neck, her breasts. my hands continued their exploration of her wet nether regions, feeling the slick folds & pressing into her, sliding a finger up & into her. in retrospect, i have no idea as to how i knew to do the next thing i did. when i think back on it, i imagine my erection must have been nearly painful at this point & that doing something for/with it would have been the primary/primal impulse here. & yet, & yet...i continued my downward kissing. her belly button first & then through her pubic hair. by now, i'd become aware of another unexpected & shocking presence, one that my mind was associating already w/the sodden mess i continued to manipulate w/my fingers. here at the height of my triumph, at the moment of most intense excitement, i was astonished to discover that the jewel i'd been laying siege to all these past few months was actually a soggy writhing thing that smelled.
no, not smelled. stank. stank to high heavens. the rank odor seemed to rise up from the hinge of her thighs & envelope me as i pressed forward & planted my first kiss just beneath her pubic hair on the soaking convolution of her cunt. i have no idea how i was able to persevere. i remember my buddy john griffin saying that when you're hot & crazed nothing is too nasty. i think i'd take a deep breath & dive in, licking & tonguing wildly & blindly & then, rise up to take another deep breath & go back at it. it felt like i was on the brink of drowning in the acrid stink. the effects of my oral work on alicia was immediate & profound. she was bucking & gasping & grasping at my head to hold it in place. i was being coated in her bodily fluids, from my hair to my chin, my eyes stinging from it, my shirt becoming soaked all down the front. when i finally located her clit(i can't say for sure i knew what to call it at the time or what it was), there was a series of convulsions & near screams. suddenly, her legs closed around my head in a vise-grip, smothering me in her over-ripe odor & wetness. i nearly panicked, feeling like i was being drawn somehow into this stinking maw. but i still had a good 30 seconds of air left so i kept licking the spot i'd found & she continued to buck & thrash until finally she released by head & pushed at my face to break contact. " o god, o god, stop!," she gasped out, "it's too much now...please, stop for a second." i suppose i was happy to oblige her. the baptism was over for now.
we both lay there gasping for breath, each for different but similar reasons. as i slowly kissed my way back up her body, i felt the dampness on the sleeping blankets. the sex stench permeated the summer air tho she seemed oblivious to it. my eyes were stinging, my ears were humming & my nose was burning. she pulled my head towards hers & as our lips met her tongue snaked into my mouth, swirling about passionately. "o my god, that was fantastic!," she blurted out. "where did you learn to do that?," she asked but i had no real answer. since i hadn't really learned anything, what could i say? "porn books i stole from the old man," i volunteered. "i need to read them," she said. "ok, sure. why not?," i murmured. i wasn't sure i wanted her reading my source texts.
we heard some noise coming our way & she got her clothes on in blinding speeds. walker & kay emerged from the deeper woods into our little darkened clearing. "jones?, jones?," i heard walker's deep basso profundo voice whispering. he'd picked that up from his dad. amused, i thought that what i'd just done, i got from my dad, bobo. kay said, "we need to get back in. we've been gone for an hour & a half." it seemed like they'd just gotten there fifteen minutes ago. alicia & i did a quick peck kiss in front of them & off the girls went.
i'd noticed walker had a strange look on his face. i'd re-covered the huge wet spot on the sleeping blankets w/the other blankets. alicia & i hadn't needed anything to keep us warm & they got kicked aside quickly . "so...how'd things go?," he asked. "you know, same old same old...ha ha, nothing new to report," i responded. we sat in silence for a minute or two. i began to busy myself w/straightening things around our meager campsite.
"goddamn!," walker suddenly erupted. i turned to him assuming he'd found the wet spots & not really knowing how i was going to explain them. "goddamn," he repeated, "what's that fuckin' smell? do you smell that? what the fuck is it?"
at first i played dumb, "smell?"
"yeah, you gotta smell that! what the hell is it?," he repeated w/insistence.
"fishkill, maybe. i think there's been a fishkill in the bayou lately."
he seemed pacified by my explanation. eventually, we faded off to sleep, spread out over the wet spots, the acrid odor of joyous sex surrounding us like fate.

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