i'm not sure if i had my hands on an actual "vibro-sage, aids in health & beauty" but my original tool was very similar to it. having it though & figuring out how to use it were two different things. i mean, yeah, i knew the technical things: plug it in & throw the switch. it wasn't that simple. this was 1973. these things weren't part of the zeitgeist & i wasn't sure how to approach my partner w/an electrical device when, up until then, things had been proceeding on a strictly fleshy basis.
i resorted to what now seems like THE age old standby, massage. look at all the original packaging for early vibrators. they're covered w/drawings or pictures of happy beaming women holding a cock-shaped "massager" to their faces. touting my "vibro-sage" as a great massage aid was easy, esp since it wasn't cock-shaped. i had lots of other camouflage for this subterfuge. "the art of sensual massage" had come out sometime around then & we were already baby-oiling ourselves up & getting naked. i determined that this was the next step. what a visionary!
actually, my vision was rewarded w/astonishing effect. i remember i was renting a "cottage" out on p'beach at the sun ray motel & still working at the tiki motel right next door. x had come out on one of my days off & i had her oiled up & all ready for a tension reducing massage. the "vibro-sage" was already plugged in & hidden beneath the covers. somewhere around 15 minutes into the massage, i stealthily pulled the device out, hit the switch, & immediately applied it to her back, somewhere on the soft tissue just above her butt. "wow," she said enthusiastically, "that feels great!!" me? i was about to explode. it was working!
for the next 30 minutes the vibro-sage was slowly maneuvered over her body, tho i skillfully avoided direct contact w/her genital area. she had become a human puddle there on the bed, totally blissed out. now for the coup de grace, i thought. when i slide the device quickly down the cleft of her butt & onto her warm & very relaxed genitals the result was almost instantaneous. her body seemed to clench & i asked if she was ok. "i'm going to cum in a second if you keep that up," she groaned. "well...cum then," was my gallant reply. she did too. convulsively & very very vocally, she writhed around, nearing breaking my wrist, clutching at the sheets. it went on for over a minute or so it seemed. unprecedented. remarkable. unforgettable.
i was hooked.
vibrators in their myriad shapes & functions became a part of my sexual repetoire. i located a place in the cordova mall(spencer's, a cheesy "gift" shop)that sold not only the latest versions of the "vibro-sage" but those cock-shaped battery operated dildos in various sizes(for various orifices, of course). after x's electrifying response, shame or guilt would no longer keep me from "over the counter" purchases of any sex aid, object, or novelty. i made it a point of "giving" vibrators as gifts to girlfriends. i've heard that nowadays hip mothers give them to their daughters. now, of course, there are "rabbits" & "meas" & devices shaped like star trek phasers. every guy who's about to let his girlfriend tie him up keeps a wary eye out for strap-ons in the nightstand. no bend over bf me, they think.
i'm pretty sure vibrators made a difference in many of my girl friends lives. they definitely entered & altered the zeitgeist for the better. i KNOW a strap-on i gave to one gf came as a complete life-changing revelation. once she had her OWN cock, she was truly a new woman.
i was thinking about all this after reading an article about sex toys & the recession. apparently, women are willing to forgo various expensive accoutrements while still spending $145 on a "we-vibe, a compact vibrator, all slippery surfaces & c-shaped curves." while some folks are engulfed in the descending despair of financial ruin, others are choosing to face it w/their newly purchased luxury sex toys(some topping out at over $200) clutched firmly between their thighs. i imagine that if most folks could have one minute a day of what x had at the sun ray motel that day way back when, they'd shell out the money happily. they'd be helping the economy too.

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