Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"all this talk of getting old..."

mother told me that once, when bobo had called her to tell her about someone they knew who had died & she'd expressed incredulity, he'd responded to her by saying, "well, that's what we'll be getting from here on out: hospitals & funerals." bobo wasn't known for his delicate touch at comforting the grieving but, i'll be damned, he didn't miss a funeral or a chance to see someone in the hospital.

this song is actually about the singer's father dying of cancer but it could be about anyone & everyone struggling to maintain some dignity as their physical beings decay from the ordinary effects of aging. mishima called it "the decay of the angel" & he had a solution for it but most of us aren't up for his kind of shenanigans.

this is a lovely song that i just stumbled upon finding billy bragg youtube moments. he does a good version w/kt tunstall but i'm sticking w/the guy who wrote it. he actually makes you feel like there's a way out of here alive.


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