minutes ago, i bought my last copy of the weekday new york times. it's true, i may still purchase the wednesday food section every now & then but, as of today, my daily nyt ritual is over. i guess i knew this day was coming one way or another. i thought i'd hang in there w/them until they shuttered the daily news print output & went exclusively on-line. what did it, you might be asking yourself? $2 is what i'll answer you. the daily nyt is now more expensive than a cup of coffee at starbucks. i just can't bring myself to go there.
i've been thinking about writing something on what it will mean to america for daily newspapers to go under: how the truth will just be that much further away from us common folk. i remember reading about how the boston globe spend several million dollars on ONE angle of the catholic church's sex scandal there in boston. now that's a story that damn well needed to be told & probably wouldn't have been w/o the globe's investigative journalism. there really aren't that many places we can go to get some sense of what's going on. if one goes down, it becomes easier for enemies of the truth to operate. just watch fox news for 30 minutes & you'll see what i mean.
i understand this. i think we're headed for hard times in terms of print journalism working out its new direction & the form it will take. i'll do what i can to support them. i have to say that they have to come up w/something better than $2 for an emaciated version of the daily nyt. that kind of truth won't help anyone.
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